Environmental Monitoring and Reporting

Southern Cross Gold (SXG) works hard to ensure the environment around our exploration sites is maintained at the highest level. We monitor a range of environmental aspects to ensure our exploration activities are managed within prescribed guidelines. In response to community feedback, we are also initiating rainwater tank monitoring program to ensure we understand existing conditions.

SXG-Noise-Monitoring Image


Noise monitoring is conducted on a regular basis using specialised equipment which monitoring and analyses noise data at locations near close neighbouring properties. Noise levels must comply with the thresholds specified by the EPA and associated standards. Noise monitoring comprises a combination of real time (unattended) monitoring and attended noise surveys.

Air Quality

We regularly sample air quality at key locations adjacent to our exploration activities. The program is designed to determine the effectiveness of control measures and ensures we are compliant with EPA guidelines and to collect background data.

SXG-Water Testing


Water monitoring is conducted to identify and assess potential impacts to surface or groundwater near SXG’s exploration activities. SXG undertakes water sampling at designated monitoring locations, including dams, creeks, groundwater bores and drains near where SXG are exploring and these are conducted at regular occurrences or after rainfall events.

SXG are required to report any elevated dust, noise or groundwater monitoring results to the EPA & ERR and must address the causes of any environmental impacts. To date, SXG has not had any reportable environmental events.

SXG is required to submit an Annual Report to ERR which includes:

  • A report about the environmental management ofexploration activities including the results of any environmental audits conducted
  • Quantity, area and type of native vegetation removed
  • Details of current progressive rehabilitation activities
  • A rehabilitation report detailing completed rehabilitation activities over the year.

Rainwater Tank Testing

In February 2024 Southern Cross Gold distributed letters to residences within 2km of our Sunday Creek Project inviting participation in a rainwater tank testing program. The program is aimed towards better understanding the existing water quality in rain watertanks which many residents in the area use. All sample results will be provided to the landowner.

SXG-Rainwater Tank Testing

Frequently Asked Questions about Rainwater Tank Testing

Is there antimony in the Clonbinane region?
What can cause rainwater tank contamination?
Whose water tanks are tested?
Who is carrying out the testing?
What does the program test for?
How does the water testing program work?
Why is SXG testing residents’ water tanks?

Environmental Requirements