Towards Sustainable Mining

SXG is a member of the Minerals Council of Australia and abides by its policies, including its Water Policy and Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM). TSM is a globally recognised sustainability program that supports minerals companied in managing key environment and social risks.

Adopted from the proven TSM scheme established by the Mineral Association of Canada in 2004, TSM is overseen by a national Community of Interest Advisory Panel, comprising of representatives from key stakeholder groups, including First Nations, communities, investors and non-government organisations, among others.

TSM will help local communities to know more about site where mining and exploration occurs and is independently verified on a regular basis. TSM is implemented through a suite of protocols that companies measure and publicly report their performance against in annual TSM Progress Reports.

More information about TSM, how it works and SXG’s journey towards TSM accreditation can be found at:

Environmental Requirements